cancellation policy

FOR BOTH TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS: If you know you will not be able to make it to an appointment, you must alert us with 48 hours notice to keep your deposit on file. If you dont tell us within 48 hours, you will lose your deposit. We are understanding of extenuating circumstances, and life though so let us know if something happens and we can discuss it. We can also reschedule you two times with the same deposit for tattoos, and you will be required to leave a new deposit on the third time. Piercing will require a new deposit after one reschedule.

piercings for under 18

We have opened up piercing lobes to ages 10-15. We have also opened up navels, nostrils and ears to 16 and 17 year olds. You and your legal guardian need picture ID. (As a teen, your school ID works if you don’t have a license) Your legal guardian must be listed on your birth certificate, and if they aren’t you need to bring in court documents showing their guardianship.
You have to bring your birth certificate either way; and your legal guardian has to accompany you to the appointment.




Regardless of if you're getting a tattoo or a piercing, you should eat a meal within the hour before your body art procedure. If you're coming in for a larger tattoo, we recommend bringing a snack, as well.

»Dress for comfort«

If you're getting a tattoo, wear something that will allow access to the place being tattooed, and that will be comfortable to sit or lie in. 
For nipple piercings, we recommend something that does not rub against the skin. More fitted clothes tend to be more comfortable post-piercing.
For navel piercings, don't wear anything high-waisted; the waist of your pants or skirt should sit below the navel.

»Bring your ID«

We are legally required to have a copy of your ID to perform any body art procedures. If you do not have this, we will be forced to reschedule your appointment.

»Allow plenty of time to arrive«

We ask that you try to arrive five minutes early for your appointment.
Our piercing appointments are scheduled back to back. If you are late at all for your appointment, we may be forced to reschedule or to do fewer piercings than planned. You are marked as a no show after 5 minutes.
For tattoos, if you are 15 minutes late without notice, it will be considered a no-show, and you will lose your deposit. Rescheduling is at the artist's discretion.

»one moral support allowed«

Due to COVID-19, germs in general, and limited space we ask that you only bring one person with you to your appointment for moral support.

»feeling sick? running late?…«

If you are feeling sick, we ask that you call to reschedule your appointment. We try to be understanding so just let us know as soon as possible if youre feeling too awful to come in!
If you know you are running late, please let us know as soon as possible. For piercings, it is likely that we will have to reschedule if you are not on time. For tattoos you are marked as a no show after 15 mins so please let us know! Again, we try to be understanding and maybe we can move things around and get you in later or reschedule you if you're running too late, but if you dont call us to let us know you'll lose your deposit. :(


Piercing Aftercare

  • Wash your hands thoroughly prior to touching your piercing for any reason.
  • Clean your piercing twice a day for the first two months with STERILE SALINE. Spray the sterile saline on a cotton tip applicator (such as a Q-tip) and use a gentle twisting motion to remove debris and clean the area, as well as the jewelry. (After the first two months, you will do this once a day rather than twice a day.)
  • Dry by gently patting with clean, disposable paper products. Cloth towels can harbor bacteria and snag on jewelry, causing injury.
  • It is not advisable to twist, turn or otherwise touch your jewelry except what is necessary when cleaning.
  • Make sure your bedding is washed and changed regularly. Wear clean, comfortable, breathable clothing that protects your piercing while you sleep.
  • Avoid submerging the piercing in unhygienic bodies of water such as lakes, pools, hot tubs, etc.
  • Avoid all beauty and personal care products on or around the piercing including cosmetics, lotions, sprays, etc.
  • It is okay to wash occasionally with mild soap, but it is not necessary. Sterile saline is all that is necessary to properly clean it; over cleaning can cause irritation.
  • With clean hands or a paper product, be sure to regularly check threaded ends on your jewelry for tightness. (Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey)
  • In the event an infection is suspected, quality jewelry or an inert alternative should be left in place to allow for drainage of the infection. If the jewelry is removed, the surface cells can close up which can seal the infection inside the piercing channel and result in an abscess. Do not remove the jewelry unless instructed by a medical professional. 

Tattoo Aftercare


Immediate Tattoo Aftercare

  • Different bandages should be left on for different amounts of time:
    	Saniderm – 3-4 days (or sooner if it starts to leak plasma) 	Dri-lock Pack (Meat-packer) – 1-24 hours 	Saran Wrap – Remove when you get home
  • Immediately after removing bandage, and 2-3 times per day afterward, with a gentle, non-scented, antibacterial soap to keep it clean and avoid potential infection. Pat dry with a clean paper towel. Do not use a cloth towel, especially one that has been used, as they can hold bacteria and leave fibers on your healing tattoo.
  • Apply a thin layer of unscented lotion 3-5 times per day to keep your tattoo moisturized. Make sure the lotion is completely absorbed into the area, as excess can impede healing. Continue moisturizing until tattoo is no longer flaking, usually about 2-3 weeks.
  • Never touch your healing tattoo without washing your hands.
  • Do not pick, peel, or scratch any scabbing or hard layers. These are normal, and picking them off can remove color or damage the tattoo. 

Long-Term Tattoo Aftercare

  • Long-term aftercare is just as important as short-term. The more you care about how you treat your skin, the longer your tattoo will look its best.
  • Your tattoos will lighten up after they have been fully healed. That's normal as the layers of skin are growing back over the ink and accepting it within your skin. To keep the tattoo from fading, always make sure to put on sun screen when going outside, especially in the summer. SPF 45 or higher and sunscreen for children are always good options, or there are tattoo aftercare brands that make sun blocks designed for tattoos. 
  • Always keep your tattoos moisturized, especially in areas prone to fading like hands, feet, elbows, etc. This will help keep the tattoo intact and less prone to fading over the years.

Happy Healing!

Disclosure statement & Notice for Filing Complaints

Public Act 375, which was enacted in December 2007 as Public Act 149 and amended in December 2010, indicates that individuals shall not tattoo, brand, or perform body piercing on another individual unless the tattooing, branding, or body piercing occurs at a body art facility licensed by the Michigan Department of Community Health. Body art facilities are required to be in compliance with the “Requirements for Body Art Facilities,” which provide guidelines for safe and sanitary body art administration.
As with any invasive procedure, body art may involve possible health risks. These risks may include, but are not limited to, transmission of bloodborne infectious diseases such as HIV and viral hepatitis, skin disorders, skin infections, and allergic reactions. 
In addition, persons with certain conditions including, but are not limited to, diabetes, hemophilia, or epilepsy, are at higher risk for complications and should consult a physician before undergoing a body art procedure.
If you wish to file a complaint against a body art facility related to compliance with PA 375 or have concerns about potential health risks, please visit or contact:
Washtenaw County Public Health – Environmental Health Division
705 N. Zeeb Rd., P.O. Box 8645
Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645
(734) 222-3800